Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Weekend (sorry, no pictures!)

So, this past weekend I went camping with Dan and some of our friends. We went over to Causey Dam (which I had never been to before) and canoed our way in. It was just me and Dan in the canoe and the others hiked their way in. It was really fun to be in the canoe considering I haven't been in one since the 4th grade. I wasn't very good at rowing but Dan didn't make fun of me too bad. I could actually move the canoe by myself by the end of the trip! So we got to the campsite and set up all the tents and everything. We lit a fire and then just talked for a while. I thought we were going to stay up really late, but we all went to sleep pretty early that night. It was nice, except for the fact that I was EXTREMELY cold all night. Everyone else seemed to be fine, but I was freezing. The next morning everyone wanted to go home. They all started their hike out but Dan and I wanted to play in the water for a bit longer so we stayed behind. We had fun in the water but I got a little sunburned!

After a few hours we left to go back to Ogden. We had to take the canoe back to Dan's parent's house. They recently got a pool and his brother and sisters were playing in it. I walked over to feel the water and the next thing I know, I am drowning in it! (Yes, everyone... Dan threw me in!) Luckily I had my swimming suit underneath my clothes still so it wasn't too bad. I just wasn't expecting it so inhaled alot of water. So.... we played in the pool for a while and then we left. I was so excited to go home and take a hot shower, although there was some unpleasant coloring showing up in the shampoo foam...... (Causey water isn't the cleanest!)

That night I went with Dan to his brother's Posse competition (barrel racing, etc....). It was soooo HOT there but it was alot of fun to watch all the events. Dan's brother did really well and his group took 2nd place overall! I really like being around the horses even though they scare me a little bit.

Sunday, after church, there was the annual fireworks show at Weber State. I went with Dan to that and I met some of his friends from high school. We played games until the fireworks started. It was fun getting to know new people. Then the fireworks began. I thought it was a pretty good presentation. Their grand finale was pretty impressive.

So that was my weekend. Sorry I don't have any pictures! Maybe next time.

1 comment:

InspirednTired said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
I can't wait to go camping again, but not sure that it will happen this summer!