Thursday, February 10, 2011

To My Good Friend Holly.....

Dear Holly,
I remembered a picture you posted on your blog shortly before you had your baby last year. It's the one where you are holding your belly in agony in front of that brick building (do you know which one I am talking about?). So I pulled up your blog and I was reading your pregnancy posts and you really gave me some hope. This last month of pregnancy is going to be awful, I know, but your posts gave me hope that there is an end to pregnancy and that this baby will come out of me eventually. So, since I don't have your new phone number and I don't have access to facebook, I thought I would thank you on my blog. So... thank you Holly. I hope you read this.


1 comment:

Holly T said...

I'm SO glad my blog gave you hope! That little boy of yours will be here SO soon and you'll be going on and on about every little poop,grin and giggle! It's so fun :) Just try to enjoy laying around and vegging. Soak it in because you'll be pretty busy soon!!