Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blah Blah Blog

So, I am thinking of deleting my blog.... I just feel like nobody reads it anyway. We'll see...


Stinkbombers said...

You only feel like no one reads it because you are not sitting next to us while we read it. I read it every time you post something - promise!

Ashley said...

I do! Keep posting, its the only way I know whats going on in your life

The Fox Family said...

i check it!!! You need to post more not delete it!! ;)

Harts said...

I know how that feels; sometimes I feel like you are the only one that reads mine :) It is because nobody posts. I will do better at posting so you know that I am reading :)

Annie said...

I read it too! Don't delete it! It's one of the only ways I can keep up with you. :)

Holly T said...

dont be silly. i read it! keep doing it! I do it for myself too, i like to go back and read old stuff from like 2-3 years ago :)

Katie A. said...

It's true I blog stalk you and you probably didn't even know that. But it's true, I read it whenever you have posted something.

InspirednTired said...

Don't delete it... even if it's not being read as much as you like, it's still a lot of personal history. You will probably regret if you delete it.
I don't blog nearly as much as I used to, so people probably don't even realize I am stil posting. I like reading yours. :)

jill said...

I miss your blog.